The Arrival

 follows the character of Anna who is waiting in a coffee shop by herself waiting on the father of the child that she is debating on aborting.

There is a cold tone to the film which works to add weight to the topic she is arguing in her head.

However after she comes to her conclusion about her choice the tone becomes slightly warmer which mimics the evident feelings of assurance and confidence she is displaying 

throughout the film there is a lack of cinematography and editing which allows the viewer to focus on the monologue that is occurring and the subtle responses from the protagonist. Over the course of the short film the camera slowly dolly's inwards increasing the tension over what decision she is going to make as the space around her becomes smaller making it feel more claustrophobic.

there is a lack of conclusion for the audience as we do not get to see who the father of the child and who the man she is waiting for is. This ensures that the main subject matter of this film which is her internal monologue and what decision she is going to make is not lost by the attention being diverted to who the father is allowing for the audience to remain in the snippet we have been allowed to see of her choice.


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